More political dirty tricks from that dynamic duo, Donny and Eugene

Let’s see, where have we heard this before . . . former Eugene Delgaudio acolyte Donny Ferguson denies any possible coordination between (a) a dirty-trick political hit piece from an “independent” “educational” group and (b) the campaign of the opposing candidate who benefits from said dirty trick?

Well, first it was in Montana. Then it was in Colorado. Then in our very own Loudoun County.

Now it’s in Texas, where former Delgaudio aide Donny (he sure gets around!) is working as spokesman for the primary campaign of tea party wacko Steve Stockman, who is seeking to unseat incumbent Republican U.S. senator John Cornyn.

This time the roles are slightly reversed, though: it’s Eugene supplying the dirty tricks and Donny saying he knows absolutely nothing about it — Donny even claims to have had “no involvement” or contact with his former mentor, even though Donny has been getting very generous regular payments from Eugene for preparing his official “newsletters” and other mailings — including one payment approved just last September by the rest of the all-Republican Loudoun Board of Supervisors, which supposedly was going to be closely monitoring Eugene’s office expenses as punishment for Eugene’s ethical and financial misconduct.

You can read Eugene’s latest scumball political mailing here (in which he warns that the “homosexual lobby,” and by implication Cornyn plus all of Stockman’s other primary opponents, want to “create a privileged employment status for homosexuals, transsexuals and pedophiles” and as a result “businesses will be required to maintain quotas of these objectionable employees” — by the way, so much for the whitewashing acceptance by our  lame media of Eugene’s claims that he is just a “conservative activist” who is simply “pro-family.” Here is explicitly equating homosexuals with “pedophiles” and describing homosexuals as “objectionable employees.”)

Also of interest is Donny’s denial that he knows anything about a fake newspaper mailed to voters, smearing Stockman’s opponents. As the above links to Donny’s Montana and Colorado efforts note, such fake newspapers have been a staple of his dirty-trick repertoire.

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